Today I’m sharing why I’m making the switch to using more products that are BPA-free and fragrance-free.
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View PostToday I’m sharing why I’m making the switch to using more products that are BPA-free and fragrance-free.
Links contain affiliate links which means I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you, for your purchase.
View PostDo you choose a word of the year? In today’s post, I’m sharing my word for 2020. If you read my post about my word for 2019, you might be surprised by this year’s word choice.
In today’s post, I am sharing another infertility update. Many of you have been asking for an infertility update, and honestly there isn’t much to share, but here goes…
First of all, seeing these photos makes me realize how rare it is for Adam and I to take pictures together, and I think it’s time we do another Fall photo shoot. 😉 I’m sure Adam is super excited to read that. (Ha!) In today’s post I’m sharing an infertility update that will include what has been going on with us the last few months, where we are now, and where we are headed next.
This post is one that has been on my heart to write for months. But, I’ve been holding back. At what point is it acceptable to talk about your fertility issues? I feel like the general consensus is the one year mark. But a year is a long time to feel disappointment, frustration, and fear. Yet at the same time, I’ve felt like maybe because it hasn’t been a full year for us that I don’t get to use the “i” word. Some women have been struggling with infertility for YEARS and here I am at the 10 month mark. I can’t even imagine their pain. So, until now, I haven’t felt worthy to talk about the issue. Who am I to talk about this? We haven’t been trying for years, I haven’t seen a specialist, I haven’t started any fertility medications, I haven’t been through any invasive procedures. Yet, over and over, God has been putting it on my heart to share this with all of you.