Today I’m sharing why I’m making the switch to using more products that are BPA-free and fragrance-free.
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After struggling with infertility for almost a year and a half, I recently picked up the book It Starts with the Egg. I cannot recommend this book enough if you are trying to conceive. Or even if you’re not, it is full of so much good information about BPA and Phthalates, and how they’re affecting your body.
Disclaimer: I am not a health care provider, nor do I pretend to know everything there is to know about BPA & Phthalates. So always do your own research, consult with your health care provider, etc.
BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical that is used in plastics. (It’s used in other things too, even paper receipts). Exposure to BPA can mess with your estrogen, testosterone, and even thyroid hormones. I have Hypothyroidism, so this was a HUGE light bulb moment for me. Not to mention these toxins can significantly reduce the quality of your eggs.
Phthalates are not only used in plastics, but also cleaning products, fragrances, nail polishes, and more. Basically, if something smells amazing, it probably has a ton of Phthalates. Phthalates can also wreak havoc on your hormones. If you’re trying to get pregnant, your hormones can play a huge role in how your body responds. And even if you’re not, hormone health is a key factor is overall health and wellness. After reading the book, I started thinking about my exposure to BPA & Phthalates.
- I often reheat meals in plastic containers. (Heat increases the amount of BPA that leaches into your foods).
- I drink out of plastic water bottles almost daily.
- I drink my coffee from a plastic travel mug.
- My coffee maker has plastic parts on the inside that are in contact with hot water.
- I use a stainless steel cup for water at work, BUT I drink through a plastic straw ALL DAY.
- I use hairspray daily.
- I live off dry shampoo.
- I use scented body wash.
- I use scented deodorant.
- I use scented shaving cream.
- I wear perfume daily.
- My makeup is full of toxins.
- The bronzer I use, that I put directly over my thyroid gland (to blend my neck), smells like coconuts and the beach AKA full of Phthalates.
- I get my nails done.
- We burn candles and/or use our Scentsy at home & at work.
- We use cleaning products that are full of toxins.
- The soap I use to wash my hands is full of Phthalates, and I wash my hands CONSTANTLY.
- Honestly, the list goes on and on.
Notice I said, “Decrease.” That’s the goal here. Don’t go all crazy and think you have to throw out everything in your kitchen and bathroom. I didn’t. But instead, make a few sustainable changes where you can. Decreasing your exposure where you can (because there’s no way to completely eliminate your exposure) will go a long way in improving your egg quality and normalizing your hormone levels.
I am currently making slow, easy changes where I feel that I am getting the most exposure. One area for me that is super hard to make changes is with my makeup. I’m totally open to trying products, but man I love what I currently use. Once switch I am definitely looking to make is my bronzer, since that is applied directly over my Thyroid gland.
I am also open to changing my hairspray and dry shampoo but I will probably have to try a ton of products before finding something I love. Until then, I am just trying to limit how much I use of both. Another item discussed in the book was your coffee maker. It suggested switching to a french press, but who has time for that?! I am definitely open to switching to a machine with stainless steel parts, but would need to do more research before purchasing. Until then, I’m focusing on other changes I can make.
I highly recommend downloading the Think Dirty app on your phone. You can search your current products or even scan the barcode and see exactly what ingredients are in each one. It also gives it a ranking of 0-10. Products with a rating of 4-7 have ingredients with the potential to cause long-term negative health problems. Some of the products I was using DAILY were an 8. Eek!!
- I no longer drink out of plastic water bottles unless there is no other choice.
- I am drinking out of stainless steel cups (or glasses) and using either these stainless steel straws or these silicone straws instead of a plastic straw. I recommend these for coffee (I burned the fire out of my lips using a straw without the tip).
- I am in the process of replacing our plastic food storage containers with glass containers. I love these.
- I switched to this deodorant. It may not have the lowest Think Dirty score, but it’s way better than my previous one which was an 8.
- I switched to this body wash. I couldn’t find this one on Think Dirty, but it is free of dyes, Parabens, and Phthalates.
- I have been using Burt’s Bees lip products. This is my favorite gloss (it has a Think Dirty score of 0).
- I have stopped wearing perfume daily.
- I have been using this body lotion instead of my over-the-top amazingly scented ones. LOL There are obviously some with lower Think Dirty scores, but this is one we already had at home.
- I just ordered this hand soap. It’s pricey, but it has a Think Dirty score of 0 versus a whopping 9 of my previous favorite.
- As I come across products I use regularly, I have been asking myself, “Do I have to use this or would I be willing to switch?”
Just because a product claims to be BPA-free doesn’t mean that similar chemicals are not being used that can have the same effects. The best choices when it comes to BPA is glass and stainless steel over plastic.
If you read the book, or do your own research, don’t panic and think you have to change everything immediately. As I said before, this is about decreasing your exposure, not eliminating it. Small changes can definitely add up.
If you’re now thinking about making the switch to BPA-free and Phthalate-free products, don’t feel overwhelmed. Instead, think about each change as having a positive impact on your body, hormones, and if you’re trying to conceive, your eggs! Each change is something that you weren’t doing before, so remind yourself of that when it seems daunting.
Now I’m curious, what are some of your favorite BPA-free and/or fragrance free products? I am eager to try more!