Infertility Update October 2019


First of all, seeing these photos makes me realize how rare it is for Adam and I to take pictures together, and I think it’s time we do another Fall photo shoot. 😉 I’m sure Adam is super excited to read that. (Ha!) In today’s post I’m sharing an infertility update that will include what has been going on with us the last few months, where we are now, and where we are headed next.


If you want to go back and read my first post about our infertility journey, you can find it here. At that point, we were nearing the 1 year mark, but had not sought any medical advice yet. So rewind to June, and that is when I had my first appointment with a new OBGYN. I shared with her where we were, how long we had been trying, etc. and she said that we could do some initial testing. She also offered to refer me to a fertility specialist but said there were some things she could look at first before taking that step. In my mind, a fertility specialist meant we were at the end of our rope and I only saw two options at that point: IUI or IVF. And we didn’t think we were at that point yet, so I decided to go ahead with the initial testing in her office.

We did bloodwork, ultrasounds, etc. and every test came back normal. Adam went through testing as well and again, everything was normal. The only thing she noticed was that I wasn’t having a very strong ovulation. Meaning, the follicles were not looking the way she wanted them to. She suggested I take 2.5mg of Femara (Letrozole) to increase the number of follicles and to help them reach a good size.

Later in June, I went back for another ultrasound to see if the medicine was doing its job. It was. Everything looked great. Adam and I felt really confident that this was the answer and that we weren’t going to have to take any further steps. But June, July, and August passed (each month with me taking the Femara) with no pregnancy. So in August, when I called the office for a refill they asked me to come back in for another ultrasound to see if the medicine was still doing what it needed to do.

This time, there were more follicles than in June, but they were not as large. She said that we could up the medicine, but she felt that it was time to see a specialist. At first I was so upset. But then, after looking on the specialist’s website I saw that there were so many other options than just IUIs and IVF. It made me feel so much better. Because again, in my mind, I thought those were the last two options and if the IUI didn’t work, we would be in for IVF which was something I never thought I would experience.



Our first appointment with the fertility specialist was last week on September 30th. Adam and I went together and I went in thinking he would probably up the medicine I was on, and maybe add shots. I was prepared for that. I was also prepared that the month of October would probably be a month of testing/getting a new game plan, and that everything would probably resume in November. However, I was not prepared for some of the statistics he gave us.

At this appointment we discussed how ready we are, our previous tests, etc. He has a few more tests he wants to run (it didn’t work out timing wise this month) but he suspects that we may fall into the “Unexplained Infertility” category. He also seemed more concerned by my AMH level than my OBGYN did, so because of all these factors, he suggested that we start with an IUI. When we first heard that, I was upset. But now, I am thankful that we are moving forward, and that we are being more aggressive with the treatment plan and not wasting months on treatments that would probably not work for us.

He shared that with IUIs, the success rate is around 20%. It basically gives you the same chance to become pregnant that people without any infertility issues have each month. However, if you fall into the “Unexplained Infertility” category, the success rate is around 10%. With IVF, the success rate is about 80%, but again, it drops for people with Unexplained Infertility to 50%. Those numbers are heartbreaking, but we are choosing to not get caught up in that because we know we serve a God who defies odds. If it is His will for us to have children, then we know that those numbers mean nothing. But still, it was a shock.



I have already started the Femara again but this time, the dosage was doubled. I go back on Friday for another ultrasound and from there, we will schedule an IUI. We are so thankful to be moving forward this month. We really thought nothing would happen in October, so this is a huge win. Right now, we are just trying to stand firm in God’s plans for our lives, and continuously place our trust in Him. We really like our doctor and trust his opinion, but we also know that God is the Great Physician and that ultimately, this is all in His hands. We would appreciate all of your prayers during the next couple weeks and the months ahead. Our doctor said most people go through 3-6 rounds of IUIs before moving to IVF. We don’t know what our plan is past the next few months, but we are just going to keep stepping forward in faith.

It sounds like we have it together. But honestly, we’re struggling. We both feel really good about things right now, but it has been such a stronghold for the enemy in our lives. I constantly try not to be hurt by others’ actions, because I know they don’t think about what they’re saying/who they’re saying it to, but I have been. I try not to be negative, but it’s been hard. Adam has been my rock through all of this, but this has been the most difficult thing we have ever been through.

Our sermon at church today was about our lives being a mission field and how we are put in places to serve others. Our jobs, our hobbies, and even our circumstances can be an opportunity to share about God with the people around us. I have constantly found myself asking why we are going through this. And today I felt like I got my answer. I believe that a huge reason we are in this season of our lives is so we can share it with others. I have this platform that God built for me, and I feel that I am supposed to be using it to connect with those of you who are walking similar paths.

This week has been especially hard for us, and what’s so amazing is that out of nowhere, so many of you have reached out to me about your stories with infertility. I find it so beautiful that God is using your hearts to encourage mine. He is taking your past hurts and using them to touch someone else’s life, and that is everything. I know that He is using this particular season in our lives to encourage one another and to glorify Him.

I also know that everyone is struggling with something. And I’m sure that there are many people who would love to have my struggle instead of their own. So I’m going to continue to boast about my weakness so that Christ’s power may rest on me. I’m going to continue to trust when I don’t see the way. I’m going to continue to be hopeful. And I’m going to be thankful that this is my struggle.

I’m also going to continue to pray for each of you. Whether your struggle is infertility or something else, give it to God. He will strengthen you for the battle ahead, and He will send you encouragement when your heart needs it most. I know that for a fact because, through all of you, that’s exactly what He’s done for me.


  1. Janie G.
    October 7, 2019 / 12:56 am

    Thank you for sharing your story! Unexplained Infertility is so exhausting, emotionally and physically. I always feel like I can’t talk about it because God blessed us with our son. We have tried for another baby now for over 5 years and our window is coming to a close. It’s important that women talk about infertility and not just bottle it up and stay silent. I pray God blesses you two with your hearts desire. ❤️ Thank you for opening up about your emotional journey.

    • Savilla
      October 9, 2019 / 12:24 pm

      Hi Janie! Thank you so much for sharing. I felt the same way for the longest time because we haven’t been waiting as long as others. But you know what, pain is pain. And you are completely entitled to share your story and how you feel. I am so sorry that you are walking the same path right now. I will be praying for you & your family!

  2. Denice Dampier
    October 7, 2019 / 3:35 am

    Love this!!! So incredibly powerful! I’m continually praying for you guys and now I know what to pray specifically! He’s got you! As my mom always said “But God!” He will give you the desires of your heart because if you are following Him, then He placed those desires in you. I believe without a shadow of a doubt your house will be filled with as many little minis of you two that your hearts desire! Praying for you! And when two or more pray in His name….it shall be done. Amen! 💓💓💓

    • Savilla
      October 9, 2019 / 12:27 pm

      Thank you so much, Denice. You have been such an encourager for me during such a hard time in my life. I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am for you and your friendship. Love ya sweet friend!!!

  3. Ellen Carl
    October 7, 2019 / 11:17 am

    Hi Savilla. I so appreciated this post. Even though I have never really experienced infertility directly, I had a very difficult time getting pregnant with my second child (for other physical reasons). One day, a friend suggested that I try drinking valerian root tea. She told me that she got pregnant right away (twice!) after she drank it. So I tried it and I got pregnant that very month. Now, I’m not gonna guarantee it will work for you in the same way. Maybe you already have tried it. It has definitely proven effective for others and is inexpensive, too. Keep smiling (and blogging)😀

    • Savilla
      October 9, 2019 / 12:47 pm

      Hi Ellen! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your own experience. I can’t say how much it means to have the support of other women who have been in similar situations. I have actually never heard of the Valerian Root Tea, but I am looking it up now! Thank you again!!! 🙂

  4. Amity
    November 14, 2019 / 2:01 am

    I am sorry for your struggles it is something that I struggled with for years. God saw fit to bless me with 3 wonderful children so never loose hope. In the beginning as I struggled with fertility it was something that I thought I needed to keep hidden and quite but then I reached a point and told others about it and that helped so much for my well being. I love to see when others share their stories it just proves that we are never alone in our struggles. I pray that God will bless you in this journey. Thank you for taking care of one of my sweet blessings everyday in your classroom! With Love, From Jarrett’s mom

    • Savilla
      November 23, 2019 / 4:46 pm

      Oh my goodness, I am just now seeing this. Thank you so much for sharing and for your sweet words of encouragement. They mean so much more than you know. I can’t tell you how much I love having your sweet baby in our class this year. He is so precious!!

  5. Kristen
    November 27, 2019 / 2:59 pm

    So many pieces of the story of your journey resonate with me. The timeline, diagnosis, the steps you’ve taken with your doctors, the sermons at church…wow. It’s like we are walking the same path side by side almost! I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I was searching for Gucci belt dupes and happened to spot “infertility journey” at the bottom of a post! In April 2019 we hit the 1 year mark of trying with no luck and July we started seeing a specialist. Although so many others go through this painful journey for even longer amounts of time (not that I won’t, I just don’t have that experience yet), I now understand firsthand how hard it is no matter how many days have passed. I appreciate your transparency and the truth you speak about God’s power and sovereignty. Even though I don’t know you personally, I could not agree with you more about God bringing so many of us together through your voice! I know he’s smiling down on you just for being so bold and speaking out not just about infertility and the pain that comes with it, but about using this storm as a testimony to HIS glory! No matter what the outcome, we can all rest in His promises for us and continue to use this for His glory. That’s our purpose in this life. Thank you so much for having the courage to share your ongoing story with others. I’m taking notes because I am still working on how to share with others. Our struggle is still “our little secret” save for a few close friends who have gone through the same experience. Maybe this is God’s nudging at my heart to be more open about it to be able to reach out to others as well? Maybe it’s to just bring you a word of comfort to your heart? Either way, I pray that I am a vessel for His purpose as you have been. I’ll be praying for you and your husband!

    • Savilla
      December 19, 2019 / 3:07 pm

      Oh Kristen. I have read your comment so many times over the last month, and started to type a response over and over, just to delete it. I haven’t had the words to say, and I still don’t know that I do. It is one thing for me to share my journey, but when someone trusts me to share their own, it is so humbling. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I know exactly how you feel, especially during this Christmas season. My heart aches for you and your husband, and so many others who are in the midst of the same journey. Your words encouraged my heart more than you can ever know. I strongly feel that this is part of the reason we are both on this path. To connect with, and encourage each other through this season. Please know that you are in my prayers and I just know that God is using this painful moment in our lives to bring about something beautiful. He is working in you, your marriage, and He is using you to encourage others. You have blessed my heart so much with your kind words. Praying for you & the journey ahead. XO Savilla

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