Easy No Bake Christmas Candy

savilla-mountain-christmas-candyIn today’s post, I’m sharing something a little different… an easy, no bake Christmas candy RECIPE!! Yes, a recipe! This is a first here on Vogue for Breakfast, and I am so excited to share it with y’all!

My teaching partner Lauren brought some of this easy no bake Christmas candy to school on Monday, and I immediately asked her if I could make it (she has witnessed many of my cooking/baking fails over the years). She told me over and over again how easy it was to make, and she was right! So, if you’re looking for an easy, last minute treat to whip up for Christmas, this is it.


 1 cup Pretzels

1 cup Peanuts

1/2 bag M&Ms

2 1/2 cups Corn Chex Cereal

2 1/2 cups Fruit Loops

1 package of Almond Bark

Wax Paper

*Note* In the picture, you’ll see that I bought 2 packages of Almond Bark because I made two batches.


  • In a bowl, combine all of your ingredients. Mix up the pretzels, peanuts, M&Ms, Chex, & Fruit Loops. The M&Ms and peanuts will end up at the bottom of the bowl, but that’s okay. You will mix again later.


  • In a separate bowl, start melting your Almond Bark in the microwave. Follow the instructions on the package (60 seconds, then 15 second increments until it is melted). After each 15 second increment, I would open the microwave and stir the Almond Bark. You can’t heat it too quickly or it will burn.
  • While you’re waiting, go ahead and spread out your wax paper on the counter.


  • Once it is melted, take your dry mix & empty it into the bowl of Almond Bark. Use a spoon to mix everything together and cover all pieces with the Almond Bark.
  • Use your spoon to scoop dollops of the easy no bake Christmas candy mix onto the wax paper. All of the dollops will be different, but I did try to make sure that each had a pretzel. I made my dollops a little too big, but if you do that, you can break them apart or cut them once hardened.
  • This easy no bake Christmas candy batch yielded about 16 big scoops, but would have been much more if I had done smaller scoops. While this batch hardened (only took about 10 minutes) I went ahead and started the second batch.


And that’s it for this easy no bake Christmas candy recipe! If you store it in Ziploc bags or Tupperware containers, it should last for about 2 weeks. Do you make a similar recipe? What do you include in your mix?




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