Today I’m sharing 9 books for you to read this Spring. If you like romance, thrillers, and suspense, you’ll devour these recent reads.
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There’s really nothing I love more than curling up with a good book. Unless it’s curling up with a good book by the pool or beach. These past few weeks have been full of rain in Alabama, so I’ve had to settle for curling up with a book, my electric blanket, and coffee. If you’re feeling a little Spring fever like me, these books will get you through all the rainy days ahead!
Bring Me Back – Oh my gosh. I zipped through this one in ONE DAY. Bring Me Back is so fast paced & good! I loved Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris and this one is even better! A decade before, Finn’s girlfriend Layla disappears. Now, 10 years later, he’s engaged to her sister Emma & trying to move forward with his life. But, the past isn’t finished with him yet. There’s an awesome twist at the end of this one that you won’t see coming! This is one of my top favorites from this post.
Lies She Told – Liza is writing a new thriller novel while juggling infertility treatments and the disappearance of her husband’s best friend/business partner. Fiction and reality start to blur and you really don’t know what to believe as you read along. I liked this one but was a little disappointed with the ending. I don’t know what I expected, but I read this right after The Wives and it just made this ending feel a little lackluster. Still worth a read though!
The Liar’s Wife – After an accident, Ella’s husband Jacob arrives at the hospital to care for her, and eventually take her home. But, there’s one problem… Ella isn’t married. This one was frustrating to read at times, but oh so good!
The Last Time I Saw You – Kate’s mother Lily is murdered, and her estranged friend Blaire comes home to pay her respects. After Blaire’s arrival, a series of threats is made to Kate & her family. Blaire is determined to help Kate find out who the killer is, and get her best friend back. I liked this one. I felt like it dragged a little in the middle, and then had somewhat of an abrupt ending. The Last Mrs. Parrish was better in my opinion, and I wanted a little more from this one, but overall a good read.
The Wives – Thursday’s husband is a polygamist. Unlike other polygamists, they do not live together and Thursday has actually never met Seth’s other wives. But one day, her curiosity gets the best of her and she seeks out Hannah, the third wife. Thursday sees bruises on Hannah and suddenly everything she knows about her husband is turned upside down. This book has SO many twists and the ending left me with my mouth hanging open. Be warned that there is some crude talk about their relationships, but this one is my other top favorite from these books.
Dear Wife – An abused wife on the run, a husband suspected of foul play with his missing wife, and a detective who won’t stop until he brings the missing woman home. This one reminded me a lot of Gone Girl. I liked it, but it kind of felt like it’s been done before. There was a good twist though that I wasn’t expecting.
The Friend Zone – While planning her best friend’s wedding, Kristen falls in love with the best man, Josh. But, secrets about infertility plays a huge role in Kristen keeping Josh at arms length. She wants the best for him and she doesn’t know if that’s her. This one was sweet, funny, steamy, and heartbreaking all at the same time. It was very reminiscent of a Christina Lauren book, so if you’re a fan of hers, you’ll love Abby Jimenez’s debut novel.
Under Currents – Zane grew up in an abusive household. Once he got the chance to leave, he never looked back. Years later, he returns to reconnect with his family and meets Darby, someone who also has a past. As their romance begins, they find themselves the targets of threats. If you’re a Nora Roberts fan, you’ll enjoy this one. The abusive scenes were sometimes hard to read but, through them, Roberts built such solid characters that you don’t want to leave behind when you turn the last page.
Twice in a Blue Moon – As teens, Sam & Tate fall in love over a two week vacation abroad. Tate tells Sam things about her family that she has never told anyone. Tate’s secret suddenly comes out in the press, and her world is turned upside down. She leaves the trip without seeing Sam again. Fourteen years later, Tate, an actress, walks on the set of her latest movie and gets the shock of her life. The last person she expects to see is Sam, yet there he is. Christina Lauren is one of my favorite romance authors. Her stories always have so much depth, yet also the perfect about of sass and humor. I liked this one, but it wasn’t my favorite book by Lauren. I would suggest reading The Unhoneymooners first or The Friend Zone (that I shared above) before this one.
You can check out my past book recommendations here, here, here, and here.