25 Things to Add to Your Fall Bucket List


In today’s post, I’m sharing 25 things to add to your Fall bucket list. The Fall season is in full swing, but it’s not too late to do all the Fall things! If you’re feeling the Fall feels and looking for some inspo to get the most out of the season, I’ve got you covered.

25 Things to Add To Your Fall Bucket List

Make fun Halloween snacks

Decorate your porch – You can find my post from last year’s porch here.

Decorate your home – Even if it’s just your mantle!


Go to the pumpkin patch

Go to an apple orchard

Host a Halloween party

Go to a haunted house

Host a pumpkin carving or pumpkin painting party


Make a Fall themed drink

Go the the zoo – Most zoos do Halloween themed nights.

Go to a Fall festival or fair

Read a thriller – Here are some of my recent recommendations.

Watch a Fall movie – Here are some of my top favorite Fall movies.

Make s’mores

Get a Fall mani


Take Fall photos

Go to a football game

Burn fall candles

Go to a corn maze

Try a fun Halloween makeup look


Make homemade apple sauce – We do this in my classroom every year!

Make apple cider

Make your favorite chili or soup

Have a bonfire

Go on a hike/walk to enjoy the foliage



What are some of your favorite Fall traditions? Ours is definitely our family pumpkin painting party. I hope you soak up every moment of this fun season & enjoy all the Fall goodness!





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